MalayalisNearMe Official


š†š«ššš› š²šØš®š« šœššš¦šžš«ššš¬ š›šžšœššš®š¬šž 'š‚šØš„šØš®š« ššššššš¦' š­š”šž šŽš§ššš¦ š©š”šØš­šØ šœšØš§š­šžš¬š­ š¢š¬ š”šžš«šž!šŸŒ¼šŸ“ø Put your best Kerala-style ethnic wear on and light up your face with a smile.šŸ˜ā˜ŗļøšŸ„°šŸ˜ŠšŸ¤©šŸ˜ƒ There are four categories of selection to win the respective cash prizes. šŸ†šŸ’ø The category 'šŒš«. ššØš©š®š„ššš«' šŸšØš« š¬šØš„šØ š¦ššš„šž š©ššš«š­š¢šœš¢š©ššš§š­š¬šŸ“ø šŸ¤µšŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø š©š«š¢š³šžš ššš­ $šŸšŸ“šŸŽ. š‡šØš° š­šØ šššš«š­š¢šœš¢š©ššš­šž? 1. Upload a photo of yourself in Kerala-style ethnic wear on the Malayalis Near Me App and Instagram. 2. Add the hashtag of your category from the hashtags we provided in the end. 3. Make sure that you tag the Instagram page of Malayalis Near Me and our sponsors. (You can find the links below) 4. Put the post as your Instagram story š‚ššš­šžš šØš«š² š‡ššš¬š”š­ššš š¬ #MrPopular š†šžš§šžš«ššš„ š‡ššš¬š”š­ššš š¬ #MNM #MalayalisNearme #Colourpadam šˆš§š¬š­ššš š«ššš¦ š©ššš šž šØšŸ š’š©šØš§š¬šØš«š¬ š‘“š’‚š’†š’—š’†š’” the_maeves #Onam #Onam2022 #Onam2K #Onamphotography #Onamphotocontest #Onamselfie #CanadianOnam #CanadaOnam #Onamphotocompetition #CanadianMalayali #CanadaianMallu #MalayalisNearMe #MNM #MNMapp #MNMcontest #OnamContest


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