3 years ago ❤️ Being an international student is not easy no matter which country, the ones who were in the position understands the pain and hard work and surviving through all the bad mouthing of people back home, working our ass off for days and years just to achieve a good position in life. And not everyone who studies abroad are from rich families going to just enjoy life, most of us come from middle class families just going there so that we can support our families as we can and support ourselves. To all the international students abroad, YOU ARE GREAT, YOU KNOW YOUR STORY, YOU KNOW YOUR HARD WORK, don’t let the society mock at you when you fail, achieve your dreams, I know you all will, and this same society that is mocking at you one day will praise you on your success. all the prayers goes to students in Ukraine who are having a hard time, you guys are doing your best and we all are proud of you guys. These guys mocking behind Facebook comments won’t even survive half of what you have gone through, stay strong ❤️👍 #canadianmallus #ukraine #mallu #news #shameonrussia #endwar #peace #solidaritywithukraine