Acupuncture is an effective tool as a supportive therapy in the recovery of hip fractures by easing compensatory muscular guarding, easing pain by producing naturally occurring opiate substances and decreasing inflammation by causing the adrenal glands to secrete cortisol, your systems innate steroid. Come, visit us and feel the difference. Call us at 905-492-1520 to book an appointment. STAY HEALTHY WITH BAYLY! #hippain #pain #hip #spinepain #therapy #exercises #physiotherapy #massagetherapy #acupuncture #naturopath #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorphysicaltherapy #physicaltherapyrehab #physiotherapists #findaphysio #health #stayhealthy #sportsphysio #sportsphysiotherapy #wellnesstoronto #wellnesscanada #wellnessdurham #gta #pickering #Ajax #toronto #whitby #physiotherapy
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